Arts, culture, ideas & expression of a few wild art monkeys living in an arts loft in Jersey City.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Where do you stand? The REAL SURVEY

Facebook & Twitter has taught me alot about my friends & certainly has taught facebook all they need to know about us. I wanted to take it a step further and ask the questions that cut right to where a person stands in this current reality we call 2011. This is the 1st part to my WHERE DO YOU STAND survey. Feel free to fill out and leave anonymous right here on the blog or message me directly. Thanx!

Please rate these questions A-G
A.Definitely TRUE
B.Probably True
C.I sure hope so
D. hmmmm??
E.I sure hope not
F. Probably not
G. Definitely NOT

1. Aliens exist and our government is hiding it from us.

A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

2. Heaven & Hell exist.

A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

3. Our genetic code came from another planet and seeded earth.

A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

4. Occupy Wall street is an important/necessary movement.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

5. Computers/technology will control our every move.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

6. Jesus walked the earth.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

7. We are an experiment by the aliens.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

8. Homosexuals are cool, but they're still going to hell.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

9. Human trafficking is controlled by the governments of our world.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

10. Leaders of the world use God as a fear tactic but dont actually practice themselves.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

11. Leaders of the world are engaged in strange esoteric or cult like practices at Bohemian Grove.

A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

12. God prefers people of a particular religeon over those of any other.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

13. The drug trade is controlled by the governments of our world.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

14. Our food and water supply has systematically been poisoned by the corporations with help of the government.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

15. The government cares about its people.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

16. The USA put a man on the moon.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

17. Human beings have been tested on/killed in underground labs by governments & corporations.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

18. The American government killed JFK, MLK and CHE (its all or nuthin folks)
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

19. Freemasons are planning the NEW World Order(Illuminati)
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

20. Cancer can be cured but corporations make more money on its treatment.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

21. Plants have intelligence.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

22. There are regulations that are monitored to keep Animal slaughterhouses humane.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

23. Milk & Colgate toothepaste are good for your body.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

24. 2012 is the beginning of the end.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

25. 2012 is the end of the beginning.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

26. Horoscopes have truth to them.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

27. We were once a great civilization but were destroyed to cover the truth.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

28. We were once a great civilization but were destroyed by our own greed.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

29. Illegal Drugs are bad.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

30. Subliminal advertising is ok.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

31. Marijuana is a drug that should be illegal.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

32. All women are a little bit lesbian.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

33. Men lie more then women.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

34. There is a soulmate out there for everyone.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

35. Thinking positive improves results.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

37. FIMA camps are meant to imprison Americans.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

38. "There is no spoon".
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

39. Psychic abilities are possible & exist.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

40. Destiny & Fate exist.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

41. Vegans are better people.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

42. The calendar year is way off.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

43. Republicans control the world.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

44. Democrats actually want to help us.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

45. There is an underground bunker underneathe Denver's New World Airport.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

46. Dick Cheney shot his friend on accident.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

47. Owning a military weapons development co and being vice president is a conflict of interest.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

48. 911 was an inside job.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

49. The towers were brought down by explosive experts, not kamikaze pilots.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

50. The U.S.A is on its way out and China is the next world power.
A.Definitely TRUE E. I sure hope not
B.Probably True F. Probably not
C.I sure hope so G. Definitely not
D. hmmmmmm?

THE MISSING QUESTION # 36 shall change often! Or until I tire of it. For's this, and it isnt a multiple choice question;

Dec 23-THE MISSING QUESTION #36- Do you believe in the potential for time travel? If so doesnt that mean you believe it could be happening right now?

#36- What is your idea of the American Dream and can you sustain it in today's political/economic climate?

Part II
Whom do you think the police force/ detective agencies should spend their time investigating and/or arresting/prosecuting; market salesman?
2.Peaceful Protesters?
3.Bankers stealing pensions?
4. Corporations poisoning our food/water supply
5. Monsanto
6. Those responsible for the oil spill
7. Those responsible for the nuclear meltdowns
8. Organic food farmers
9. people living beneathe their means whom dont pay taxes but dont collect welfare or unemployment?
10. illegal immigrants working in america thru legal means?
12. Prostitutes
13. Drug addicts
14. Art Galleries that hold events that have dancing and/or alcohol at their opening?
15. Graffiti artists?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Willful ignorance- its all around you, even if you say you don't see it. {Philosophy Break}

People have a wide variety of ways of taking advantage of each other. We prolong pain and punishment. We ignore, we refuse, we insist, we force, we guilt and we take. There are so many ways and they happen everyday to all of us, but the one that gets to me more then any other is seeing someone's kindness or generosity taken advantage of. Ignorance can often be the culprit in these cases, but its gotten to the point that more and more I see willful ignorance as the true criminal.

When we choose to ignore or pretend something is or isn't true we are in affect changing the story to suit ourselves. Ofcourse it's easier to believe your actions couldn't have yielded such outcomes, "its just a coincidence", or perhaps an exaggeration, it's certainly not the result of an extensive list of actions that led us inexorably to your front door.Ofcourse not. Mindfulness isn't a virtue we openly value in business and therefore we hardly know when to look for it elsewhere. Why should YOU listen, when others won't? Why should we accept responsibility when we have so much already on our plate? It happens everyday, we're all guilty of it and receivers of it, but it's getting worse and there's only so much of it I can stand personally.

We see it with the politicians and the bankers, the police force and even the protesters themselves. The news reporters, bloggers, and media in general offering few apologies and accepting limited accountability. We expect people to stand up for us and when they don't we wonder where the justice has gone?. When a few demand more, we think they are making a stink. We've been raised this way. It's on the small scale and the large scale. Your boss takes advantage of your willingness to work for less, your lover takes advantage of your eagerness to please, your kids are being raised to realize that giving you answers you want to hear is better then being honest and all along were all pretending its NO BIG DEAL. Well it IS a big deal and quite frankly I'm tired of being taken advantage of. I don't like feeling under-appreciated, or taken for granted. I don't think anyone does, but maybe what you don't already realize is you do it all the time too and the only way it's gonna stop is when you stop. Stop pretending your actions don't effect others. Stop pretending your doing your part. Stop pretending you like it the way it is and stop pretending its everyone else's (or someTHING else's)fault.

You're pretending to be a corporation and the corporation is pretending to be human. Neither work. Go back to being human, because your polluting the air we breathe and we need a breath of fresh air every once in a while. No..actually we need it all the time.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

GOD MUSE MONSTER- Art exhibition/solo show

GOD MUSE MONSTER- new works by John Fathom

A solo exhibition exploring veneration and idolatry as well as the fine line that exists between Gods & Monsters when the actions of man are inspired by GOD. The work is expressed through a variety of mediums including the dynamic light box paintings Fathom is known for, but also utilizes silkscreen works, and toy sculptures as well.

GOD MUSE MONSTER is my attempt at shifting the focus from Idolatry towards honoring the fundamental general laws that seem to guide our Universe. The bizarreness of nature being my muse and the universal laws manifesting themselves in all aspects of reality, gracing our paths and guiding our ethos..

Where- LITM
140 Newark Avenue, Downtown Jersey City, NJ 07302
From Brooklyn or NYC- L to 14th street PATH train to GROVE ST. Walk one block down Newark ave to 140 Newark. ENJOY!!

Tel. 201.536.5557

Cowboys & Indians; Vice Versa
Bisons & Bosons
Collision & Collusion

The tree fell
Star flower child

THEMES: God, Muse, Monster, contraction/expansion, Opposition, symmetry, veneration, reverence, honor, folklore,alignment, time, perspective, conquest, creation, beliefs, power, general laws, timeless principles, general nature of things.

**I will close with one statement for those believers who will see my work as an attempt at discrediting their faith; I do believe in GOD, this is merely my way of fine tuning my approach at distinguishing the difference between that which is contrived and that which is "real". I'm a neo-nomadic pilgrim paying homage to the God that blesses my travels and guides my ethos.
- Fathom

Sunday, August 21, 2011


"AND GOD MADE MAN IN HIS IMAGE"...........or was it the other way around?
Haven't we seen more proof of MAN making GOD in his image?? The books are edited and doctored, the images and icons hijacked, the ethics are compromised and intentionally confusing. Its these questions that guide my next show.

For my next solo show debuting October 4th at LITM in Jersey City titled "GOD MUSE OR MONSTER" I focus on my first great Muse-the fundamental laws for which have been inspiring me for years. Ideas like opposition, identity, freedom, sacrifice and perception. I discuss this Muse of mine more in depth in my previous post if you're interested, but the show also delves into the danger of believing too firmly in our chosen interpretations and inspirations, as these can often lead us down some dangerous roads. Treating our Muses like Gods & our Gods like Muses can inadvertently create Monsters.

"GOD MUSE OR MONSTER" asks us to pay attention to how we honor the Muses, Monsters and Gods of our life. Veneration, reverence, symmetry and opposition are some of the themes focused on in this show. In the case with the terms God, Muse and Monster we find that these themes are often used interchangeably and when they are..the results can sometimes be detrimental.
In cases like these I ask these questions;
- Can spirituality & Religion maintain any vestige of truth when we can pick and choose which virtues we will honor with the passing of a Pope, a President,or the Wind.?
-Is there really a difference between a God or Monster when man's interpretation of God's will has separated it from virtue and aligned it with dominance and power?
- If God is your Muse and you behave without Virtue, are you the Monster or was that God speaking through you?
- If we worship our Muse like a God, is there a difference?

I will close with one statement for those believers who will see my work as an attempt at discrediting their faith; I do believe in GOD, this is merely my way of fine tuning my approach at distinguishing the difference between that which is contrived and that which is "real". I'm a neo-nomadic pilgrim paying homage to the God that blesses my travels and guides my ethos.
- Fathom

Monday, August 15, 2011

Helping myself understand what I'm understanding my obsession

I've been working at describing a particular theme that has consumed my attention for over 14 yrs now. The last 8 years have been my attempts at describing these thoughts visually and is ultimately what coerced me away from my chosen field in Industrial Design and into visual art. It began with some casual conversation on the nature of reality and it's "pulse" that seemed prevalent in all of life's functions. How the universal laws that govern our reality tend to have a Contracting & Expanding force driving them. It was those early philosophical conversations that would eventually inspire all my work. Our Universe, our breathing, child birth, weather patterns, digestion, you name it there is a contracting/expanding force involved, the "pulse" of our world is inherent in all aspects of our lives from micro to macrocosm and I couldn't not see it.

Everywhere I looked I saw things as C/E. I see it as a metaphor and a reality. It's in our patterns of speech; vowels and consonants as well as in our mathematics and engineering. I filled books and books on the subject as my obsession grew. I watched movies and looked for symbolism and sure enough whenever an epic tale was being told there was proof the author was aware of this fundamental law that I felt was greatly overlooked and understated. It can also be understood as Attraction/Reflection in a simpler state but nonetheless it seems C/E is something that we naturally take for granted and hardly consider applying to the formula when we are trying to better understand how the world works. -Perhaps it is my illusion that it is so important.. but in any case, when I began painting , naturally it was my 1st muse.

I didn't know that is what I was painting right away, but by the 3rd or 4th painting I discovered I was still obsessing over C/E and began fine tuning the process. It wasn't just C/E that I was now focused on, it was how each interaction between energies has a root energy and what that energy may look like in it's primordial state. Perhaps it resembles the objects of outer space, deep in the ocean or like biology under a microscope? The old philosophical question of "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" Well I suppose if sound waves are not received then how can it be measured/translated as an actual sound? So that was my jump off point...What does the untranslated energy of an idea/event look like at its most primitive before its been reconfigured into a perceiver's mind?

The work has changed a bunch since those initial inspired days of smearing and scratching at paint on a back lit surface. I've taken to fabricating my own lightboxes, including doors made from recovered woods and parts, the addition of vaccuformed plastics to make 3d shapes, numerous dissolvent techniques, combining it into furniture and installing the work in semi-permanent environments like The Gallery Lounge where the work is LED lit. With every evolution I feel closer to explaining what it is I feel to be true, whether I'm right or not, that is:

"This world is not necessarily an illusion, but can be understood as a fractional reality built and limited by all beings senses. The sincere description of reality would either begotten by the impossible comprehension of all the sensations and translations that have ever existed in the minds of every organism across millenia, OR by the comprehension of the latent general laws that have yielded the circumstantial happenings of our reality- That is to say, that those whom claim any knowledge on the subject of God or Science owe it to themselves to explore the general nature of things before speaking on behalf of the greater nature of things."

By understanding my obsession with my first Muse I hope to move forward cautiously and peacefully because at times a Muse is a monster or a God and other times a God is a Muse and a Monster. Stay tuned for my Solo show at LITM with this title in Mind. GOD MUSE or MONSTER opening October 4th.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Artists never cease to amaze me.

I am lucky in all aspects of my life to surround myself with creative genuine people. A friend of mine shared a link the other day which made me remember that almost anything can be possible with the right imagination (and the right resources as well).

CLICK to watch a video of Andreas Franke's new exhibition.

READ a little more about it here.

Anyone up for a trip?


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tryin to save Facebook (from the outside)

YODA- Thinking this will work do you?
Fathom- It's worth a try old man.

Yoda- full of anger these people are, you can't just remove the HATE essence from Facebook and end their suffering.
Fathom- Aren't you the one that said "Hate leads to SUFFERING"?? This is our only choice. I'm not going back in Yoda. .. I can't.

Yoda- Persistent you are. Agree with your methods I do not, but you're right...Hope these people need, or anger will spread.

Fathom- I got out just in time my pointy eared pal. It's just not the same, people are mean, angry and miserable. Facebook's privacy policy is garbage and all these porn-bots and pop up windows are making people crazy!! Googleplus has already begun taking over Yoda...people are evacuating.....we have to move fast, or I fear there won't be a Facebook worth saving!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

RockSoup Radio comin soon??!

Well radio stations are kinda a thing of the past, but we hope to get some funds together and begin hosting a bi weekly program called The Greenhouse Gallery which will be in podcast format and available right here on our 660 blog.

The 5W's boil down to this; Cris Nyne and I would co-host a 1/2 hr program recorded here at 660 Grand that focuses on the arts and news here in Jersey City. Artist interviews as well as lively commentary on the issues effecting us in a fast growing city with a history of uprooting or undermining it's artists.

1st episode introduces you to us via an interview by our producer Tiffany Camhi, a fellow 660'er. Stay tuned by following our blog and spreading the word.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Get back in yer studio or suffer the walk of shame.

I was doin good. I really was. I booked the show, bought materials, did a sketch of the interior, planned the number of works for the show, and started sketching out some ideas; I NEVER SKETCH! Hell I even went as far as to hire a sketch artist to do a full rendering skecth of the venue so I can kill two birds with one stone. 1. get resource material to work with and 2. own a piece of art from a local artist. I felt I was well on my way. I've already began a number of pieces and put together a book outlining all the potential works that will be included in the show and even ordered the blank pizza boxes(don't ask) for the promotional end of the show. But then something happened...
dramatic pause
...a typical weekend in Jersey City is what happened. Somehow even though I'm trying to watch my spending I still managed to find myself downtown having the drinx and celebrating with the artists and scenesters of downtown JC. Sure there were good reasons for all the fun & debauchery, but if you tally up the 2 days out + a day of recupe inbetween + a day on the back end where nuthin gets done = you got yerself 4 days of nuthin!! BUT thas not all....then you gotta do the CSI shit and figure out that you ALSO didn't do didley the two days before this debacle which is a new total= 6 days of no real studio time!! That's unacceptable.

Sure I went through there, said hi. Had a drink, thumbed thru the sketches, but what progress was really done? In the end I still found myself shuffling downstairs to visit my studio, which felt like an old abandoned house that had all the signs that life once existed there but hasn't since I just stepped into it. Objects become artifacts; An old dirty plate and crusty fork, some empty beer cans, art materials left out on the floor and a pile of puppy shit because lil charlie figured out I hadn't been back there in days. Nice.

I did the walk of shame this morning and apologized to my old abandoned studio. I admitted that I'm a fukkup and will try harder next time, but she looked at me like she always does- like she knows I'll do it again, like she loves me anyway.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ideas don't have feelings {Philosophy Break}

I don't have much capacity for information, just ideas.
I'm horrible at remembering names, or even places I visited on vacation. I don't know band names, am horrible at math and even worse at pointing out a place on a map, but it doesn't stop there. I also noticed a while back that people tended to have much more passion in their recollection of events then I did. I would live the event with passion, but my memory of it was more detached. I wish I could say it's because I am soo present in the moment and that's all there is for me, but I'm sure that's not the case. It's probably because I don't give the past as much credence as the future. When discussing the past, especially where people are involved you will find that they will always bring with them all their past experiences, insecurities, judgments etc;

I've been working at broadening my perspective a bit and as a result I tend to have even less feelings connected to my memories. Some of you may think this is a bad thing, but really it's not.It's not like you become a cold blooded lizard, you just observe from a different perspective.

When a situation transpires it's significance is different for every person involved, but that's not where it ends; then there are those inevitable dramatic re-tellings of the story and the memories of it thereafter. You have the new feelings dry-humping the old feelings into submission. The old feelings concede again and again, in essence changing history. Then ofcourse you have "her feelings". If you find yourself in a situation that involves her feelings you should know that her feelings will always be more important than yours. That is a fact you can not escape. ;)

I say focus on IDEAS because how could anyone's memory stand a chance against someone else's feelings?

Ideas wait for you at the door and ask you to demand more from THEM, meanwhile memories will always demand more from YOU. Ideas don't have feelings, but LOVE THAT WE DO! In fact ideas ask that you bring your passion to the table whenever you meet. Ideas are more powerful then memories or feelings or even people. They can be cultivated, corrupted, capitalized on or bring great consequences. My favorite kinds of ideas keep me up at night. I love all kinds of ideas, from inventions to policy, but the ones I love most are the pure and intangible kind. The big ideas that may have no answer. The sort of ideas that people ask "why do you bother or care"?.

I bother because they are always there waiting for me. They want me to care. They let me pick up where I left off, and if my memory fails me, I get to experience the sensation of rediscovery without consequence. They expose me to even more ideas and with every new idea more feelings are evoked. Not the type of feelings that cloud memory or judgment, the sort of feelings that invigorate and embolden. The good kind. So that's why I bother because it's so much fun and besides, they're expecting me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Figure Drawing... a collaboration

I model for figure drawing classes as often as possible. There are a lot of great opportunities here on this side of the Hudson to attend sessions as an artist. I'm lucky enough to work with Paul Vincent Studios as well as Jersey City Art School

I've always modeled because I love the arts and I can't draw very well. It's what I do to be a part of art, and I guess there's a little vanity thrown in there (it is both humbling and elating to have someone draw you). This whole notion of being a part of art brought me to a discussion the other day, the artist I was working with said that a piece of art that came about from a figure drawing session was a collaboration between the model and artist. This statement changed my mind about what I actually do when I stand still for so long. Rather than thinking that I'm inspiring art, I'd like to think I'm collaborating on it.

(Drawing on wood done by Virginia Kamenitzer)


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Amy Winehouse: DYING all the way to the top.

Amy Winehouse died today presumably of an overdose and it made me think of a BANKSY quote I read somewhere; "All artists are willing to suffer for their work. But why are so few prepared to learn to draw?"
I Love this quote. Clearly Amy is a different type of artist, but it speaks more to an artists willingness to suffer as long as the suffering isn't more hard work at their craft. Artist's love their suffering..well really humans love their suffering. Suffering is something we endure while on our path to success, but then for those proud few successful types whom make it to the top, what do they find when they get there? MORE SUFFERING.
Is it because there is suffering everywhere and it's inescapable? I'm not so sure. I mean yes of course I am aware of the suffering all around us, NAY I am aware of the suffering that FUELS US!
Fuels U.S,
FuelIsU.S. ...

.........We are a world built on the backs of others suffering, so yes its easy to imagine that suffering is an inescapable beast that is hot on our trails, but that's not how I honestly see it. I think we NEED to suffer to believe our lives are worth something. This could be b/c of our history/psychology our own personal pathology, but in any case I think it's there b/c we bring it with us wherever we go and we set it down in place whenever we reach our next goal. Case in point; Amy Winehouse ...or take your pick from a long list of artists/musicians whom reach the coveted spot of super stardom or fame only to let that status unravel them through new levels of indulgence and suffering.
Yes this is inspired by Amy Winehouse's recent passing, but really it's more personal than that. Amy's drug use wasn't a secret. Her last performance was a shitshow fiasco, her relationship proudly displayed it and her songs were cadences to debauchery. So we aren't surprised, especially when deaths happen due to overdoses in the Rock N Roll world, but what really compelled me to write on this topic was the kitchen table conversation I was having here at 660 about a room mates Facebook post that spawned a bunch of hate for "junky artists". I'm currently taking a much needed break from Facebook, so I didn't read the posts, but hearing how many people responded with disdain for her because of the obviousness of her bad habits made me wonder if we would respond similarly if we lost one of our own "junky artists" here in Jersey City? These types of reactions happen all the time. It wasn't any one status message/reaction or commentary that inspired this, its the pattern we all play a part in. A famous somebody passes away and there are reactions on both ends, many are usually dramatic and often there is a call for us all to wake up and quit giving so much credence to one druggy performer's death when there are countless deaths that happen in vein each day for which we should be outraged over. I get it, but I think disdain for the artists that can't manage their vices should be reexamined. I don't see them the same way I see any hustler on the street trying to get his fix at all costs. These are damaged persons, yet talented in their own right and seeing talent go to waste is disappointing and at times aggrivating, however I find their plight is worth understanding because at times it was manageable and treatable..through art. They just forgot how to keep the magic, and it's something easily forgotten, it's intangible.

I lost a tenant a few years back because of a "bad habit" and even though we weren't that close, all you could feel was compassion for him. Good people have bad habits too. He was good people. He suffered, for whatever reason and even suffered by not being able to suffer. Being clean was hard for him, so every day was a struggle. For some of us we can't go a day without a beer or a trip to the bar to see whats good downtown. We can't be alone, hate knowing there's a party going on that we aren't at or an opening everyone will be talking about. And when we get there...we bring our bad habits. Our lil pocket full of suffering.
What would the JC art scene, or perhaps any art/music scene be without its vices? If you live in Jersey City, you've loved an addict. If you party in J.C you are friends with more then a few. Is the vice the issue, or is it how often and how hard that vice is being indulged in? I'm a fan of letting people have their vices as long as they are getting the job done. That job being their art/music/ etc; That's why were here right?? You chose this life so you could be a successful and respected artist right? Well unfortunately when you got here you found out that all the other scenesters were out celebrating something. Maybe it was their opening, their closing, their performance or the fact that it's Tuesday and their day job is done for you partied with them. Whats the difference between you and Amy Winehouse? If you worked hard as she had and achieved her level of success would you have done it with or without your lil friendly vices...and what about all the lil vices that come with the friends that follow you up there?
We're built for endurance, so we test ourselves. We tell ourselves this is what "fun" is, what "rock n roll" is and what being young and makin it happen feels like.
and many forget that when the party is over they should keep making the music, the art, THE MAGIC..
Say what you want about Amy, but she was a great singer, and a balls rockstar. Perhaps she suffered too much/too often to stay focused.
R.I.P Amy Winehouse
R.I.P to all the would-be Winehouses we will lose too early to vice.


Friday, July 22, 2011

If I were elected President- I'd kill all the mosquitos.

..and maybe the roaches too! I'm sure roaches serve a more important purpose in our ecosystem being we are such filthy creatures and need someone to clean up our refuse. However...mosquitos...oh man, I'd wage a war bigger then that of the infamous war on drugs or terror, it would be the war of wars! Casualties everywhere. Mosquitos droppin like flies! In fact there would be so many dead mosquitos that the new saying would be "droppin like mosquitos". What about gnats you ask? Yup them too. Green flies can go as well. Listen whatever predatory animal that feeds on these creatures hasnt stepped up their game and populated enough to handle all these pests so fuck em. I'm sure plenty of mosquitos will slip through the cracks and God knows I'm not goin into the amazon to kill these fuckers, I'm just sayin my administration would effectively eliminate the mosquito issue so that it becomes a non-issue. People would say, "what were mosquitos like mommy" and then they'd talk about how the great President Fathom eradicated all the mosquitos and restored peace to summer. They'd make propaganda posters with me squashing the fuckers all over town and anytime someone completely wiped out a species they'd say "yo he Fathom'd those fuckers".
Yeah, I know, I know thats a horrible thing to have connected to your name, but I'm not concerned with how the bleeding hearts will tel my story. I'm interested in how history will tell of a time when a man with the right kind of vision stepped up and took care of business. When past Presidencies were busy killing humans, I spend mine killing mosquitoes. I'd squash them like the bugs they are and to be honest when it comes to foreign relations, I think foreign leaders would applaud my vision and wish for a mosquito-less country themselves. In fact, I also think they would see me as a man that gets things done and isn't afraid of special interest groups getting in the way of what needs to be done. They would say; "That president Fathom really tackles issues head on. Once that fella gets something in his sights, its good as done"
Damn right!
Death to Mosquitoes.
It's the new revolution. A president that takes care of issues that effect all the people. Every people. After that we can discuss other concerns like parking or why people still won't serve us booze on Sundays. I'll even take on the price of a movie and the end of reality tv shows, but first we tackle the BIG issues.

Fathom for President.?


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oscar the Grouch-The orgin story.

Last nite I had many strange dreams. Usually my dreams are adventurous and I get to utilize one of my superpowers like flying, floating, long-jumping, levitating, multiplication, multiple perspective or dream suggestion. On this particular evening I had a series of strange story telling dreams. I only can recall a portion of 2 of the dreams like how in the 1st one I appeared as a character in The Wizard of Oz, but my character wasn't from the original screenplay it was a new character...The Steel Plated Shark. Yes, the steel plated shark boasts an entire head plated and riveted in steel while the rest of it's form is left unchanged. I swam through the air and was fearless. That's all I recall from the dream, but the significance is pretty clear. I put sharks up their with my most feared of creatures on earth. They are perfect cold killing machines and I have 0% interest in ever meeting one in person. To steel plate the head of the shark makes it even more powerful so I guess I fashioned myself as unstoppable in this dream although I would normally never liken myself to a shark- too many negative connotations to bad businessmen,.In any case. After having witnessed myself as a shark in this Oz dream I used my power of suggestion and asked myself to take a stab at Sesame Street. The result was the orgin story of OSCAR THE GROUCH.

I thought briefly of Harry Potter and all the films coming out these days and how the orgin story is everyone's favorite. Oscar was always my favorite..although I did like Ernie too. lol. As the story went it showed Oscar as a young apprentice to a powerful sorcerer of Sesame Streets underworld. A world very few, if any even knew of. The young Oscar was tall lean and brightly colored green. He was a bright student whom worked his way up to the esteemed position of apprentice to the sorcerer of sesame street. His role would later become to hold and maintain the position of permanent guardian to the underworld. The underworld is accessible through various portal & chambers, but mainly through Oscars garbage can. The sorcerer put Oscar in this position when he prepared for the incantation and coming of "The BIG Bird".
The big bird was necessary...perhaps as some guardian and protector of the upper-world known as "Sesame Street"- Perhaps to balance some equation?

Oscars grouchiness was no coincidence either. Many might suppose that Oscar's demeanor had to do with some sort of frustration with people or with his position as permanent guardian of the filthy underworld, however it was decided that Oscar would be rude and grouchy as to prevent any interest in the underworld and what lurks beneath the garbage/ sewage of their Sesame City. The idea being; if every time you thought of such things you would think of mean old Oscar= that would kill any curiosity or interest you'd have in the Sesame underworld.

There you have it. Oscar's orgin story. Lets make a movie.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

A More Mature Alicia Ruth

660-er Alicia Ruth is out in full force this summer with a collection of new art pieces to be showcased at Jersey City's White Star bar. The show opens tomorrow (Friday, July 15) at 8pm!

I wrangled the rogue artist and got to talk to her more about her work - listen to the interview here!:

Artist in natural habitat.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

On Branding with Susan Newman.

Brand Identity specialist Susan Newman gets to the bottom of RockSoup's logo and all the hows and whys of our whats.

Click here for the interview in original form->

How long has your company been in business? Please tell us a bit about your company, its mission, goals…
JF-Since about 2004, but not officially till 2006. We began as a large art collective that meant to create mixed media events with anyone that had passion and drive, but we streamlined into a collective of just a few organizers producing events and exhibitions with the intention of fostering collaboration and generating interest in the arts.

Do you donate to charities? Tell us about that also and why.
JF-No, not yet.

How did you know what typeface (font) would be right for your company wordmark or logo? If your logo has an illustration, describe why that art was the right thing, animal, place, object, etc…
JF-We hired the great Holly Tienken of Design Grace for our logo design. We went with something with a historic appeal, but also incorporated some scribble on the outside of what looks literally like a type of brand that could be burnt onto the side of a cattle to loosen it up and expand it. We are quite happy with what she came up with for us.

How did you decide on the right color palette to fit your company look and feel?
JF- We always knew we wanted black and white. We considered black and silver as well, but with so many artists involved with different tastes and palettes we trusted in Holly’s ability to produce a classy timeless logo. Bringing color into the branding would have been a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, because we started out with so many artists providing input.

How did you decide which type of designer to work with, or did you design your own identity and web presence?
JF-We saw Holly’s design for Bag the Habit, which is a company she is now partner in and which I always thought was a genius logo… nuff said.

In what order did you present your company to the world? Did you start with marketing and products, or website, blog and social media?
JF-Our website never quite launched. Maintaining the site was too cumbersome for a bunch of artists more interested in making art then the business of promoting it. Beyond that we built a presence through word of mouth driven by community events, parties, exhibitions in NY, Miami and NJ. We also recently launched our blog; which combines the personality of those that work out of our arts building and those that are Rock Soup Studios. Beyond that Twitter and Facebook help keep things moving along fine.

How long after the launch of your company did you start pitching in social media?
JF-Social media has become part of everyone’s life, it’s no longer just a company’s concern. Facebook/Twitter are now corporations pretending to be individuals, while individuals pretend to be companies. Trying to recall when we started pitching is impossible because the transition/merging of our company profile and our personal profile was almost seamless.

Did you do research or study any software, take webinars, teleclasses, before approaching any area of your marketing or web presence?
JF- Nyugen Smith is one the directors here at RSS and he is better versed on the subject then I, so I refer to him when I have questions of this nature and he usually steers us in the right direction.

Do you advertise locally in newspapers and/or nationally in magazines? Are they effective?
JF-We only advertise our events and exhibitions, so have no use for this fairly dated form of advertising.

Do you advertise online using Google, Facebook or on other company sites? Are they effective?
JF- Facebook is effective, but because so few actually check their invites we also use text messaging, flyers and email blasts if/when necessary. The blog will come in handy post production.

When you printed your products, packaging, business cards and other print marketing did you choose an online printer or visit a local vendor?
JF- A local vendor whom I cannot recall. We change vendors with every print job depending on the style, count, location and price.

Did you know anything about different types of papers, when you wanted to print your marketing materials?
JF- Just what your average art student would know.

Have you ever used “green” technology in printing, using FSC certified papers or recycled paper and if not, how likely are you at trying this on a next project?
JF- Do you count using paper I had in the studio and printing at home? lol

If you sell products, are they produced in the U.S.A. or abroad?
JF- U.S.A., we are local artists.

Is there anything you haven’t yet tackled, but will want to do soon?
JF- Of course. As individual artists we hope to continue to grow and expand our careers and the careers of artists we collaborate with through RockSoup via large scale exhibitions in other cities or out of our building at 660 Grand. Personally I’m interested in taking over more buildings like 660 and creating these artist enclaves in different cities.
Time will tell.

Susan manages check out her site for more info on how you can brand yourself better.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

We are water. {Philosophy Break}

I've been thinking alot about WATER. We are mostly water, as is our planet, so why don't we study water, its behavior etc;?
I have some theories I'd like to share, perhaps soon. For now- think about water. Behave like water.
- Fathom

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Kit and Chantal Story

So this is a post about the rise of two great actresses (Myself and Chantal). You may have just seen us in Arthouse Production's comedy murder mystery 'MURDER ON ICE', you may just know of our awesomeness from personal experience. Either way, we are pretty fucking great.

First I will put some perspective on my decision to write about us. There were a couple articles written about our lovely show, one of which I was surprised to see was only really about one of the actors in our show and nothing else really. Now there is nothing wrong with that, I think everyone deserves a chance to shine, but I was honestly expecting it to be about THE SHOW. In fact, I was a little put out that the rest of the cast weren't really mentioned. There were 12 fabulous people in that show, not to mention the great production team. It was such a shock to have the piece that came out right before we opened not focus on getting the show out there; it was just selling one person. Not helpful, a little bit rude in my eyes. Just tell the rest of us that we don't count, right before we open.

So here is my retaliation, my dig at the other article (which I'm not even going to link to because I don’t think its worth it, cause sometimes I'm mean and rude when I feel put out. If you want to see it you can troll through the Jersey Journal website and look for Murder on Ice). This is all in good angry fun. The only way to fight the ridiculous is to be even more ridiculous, and I’m pretty damn good at it. Without further ado...

The Chantal and Kit Story!

The connection between these two actresses goes back further than you would expect. Their birthdays are almost a year apart, they only met very recently, but they are telepathically charged… they’re pretty much the same damn person!

They started their career in the womb; their first acting credit was birth. When asked why they chose acting as their career they quoted the Great Gaga:

“I was born this way”

When asked to comment on Chantal, Kit said:

“She channels Judy (Garland). We actually did a ritual to channel her, so not only is Chantal a brilliant actress, she’s a fantastic medium. Also we’re lovers… by the way. It’s a mental thing not a physical thing, although she is hot.”

We then asked Chantal about working with Kit. This is what she said:

“Kit killed me with her humor from the start. Ba Dum Dum (she actually made a drum roll noise). Originally slated to play the love interest, Kit and I had instant chemistry. However, shit got too real too fast and Jack and Christine were worried about jeopardizing the show. Therefore the role of Johnny-Bobby was born. We remain friends on the side.”

Arthouse was the perfect medium for these two rising stars to express their talent. They would have gotten quotes from all the other cast members, but their ego’s did not need inflating.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

BE, DO, HAVE requires 2/3 stillness.

There is a mantra that my friend James Legrand quoted to me once : BE, DO, HAVE> As I understand it, it is the idea that first you must simply "BE". BE in the present at your most sincere and authentic self. As authentic as you can be in each moment at all times. Then the 2nd phase is "DO" the work necessary to fulfill your goal. "Have" means to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Take time to be grateful and ready to "be" present once more, this time from a more evolved state.

The idea is that 2 parts of that mantra require stillness. Only 1/3 is actual work work. But that 1/3 that is work requires focus and drive. If stillness is 2/3 of the process then why do we not relax more? Why don't we enjoy what we have, and through gratitude and presence set ourselves up for the next great obstacle. This time..Prepared. Ready.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5 QUESTIONS with a Jersey City Weirdo elite.

5 questions with a JC weirdo.

Jersey celebrates it’s strangeness and I do too. I like to think JC is a city full of black sheep. Those that were outcast, ostricized or simply sought refuge somewhere far away from the mundane or monotonous grind of the burbs or the big city.

What qualifies someone as a weirdo for me? I know some of you can't shake the negative colloquial connotation usually applied with the term, but seeing as New Jersey was the father of the "Weird New Jersey" mag and all the "weird" states that followed thereafter I think we can take the power back and use it with honor. For me weird simply means someone who thinx for themselves and speaks and lives without a filter. This usually resonates all the way through and through making their appearance a telltale sign of whats goin on in that head of theirs. I find these folks compelling and they happen to be the foundation of our strange and beautiful culture, and not just here in Jersey City. Strange & beautiful people make any city worth visiting.

For my first interview I chose Donald Gallagher he was 2nd or 3rd on my JC Weird List but really he's a one man army of character. Depending on the day, he could be sporting wings, fairy dust a yellow, pink or blue beard, tights or platform boots..hell maybe all of the above. He's a master painter of interiors who seems to be at all the outdoor festivals in the tri state area as well as the events and parties you and I don't get invited to. To me he's one of our great weirdos in JC but I'm sure to many others he's an influential personality that's been involved in more arts related events then you've been to dive bars. He's like a wizard and a woodland nymph sprinkling color and magic wherever he goes.
Here we take a peak inside of mind of the most colorful fellas in our lil haven of blacksheep.

JF- Whats your day job and whats your passion?
DG-I am a decorative painter, and also quite good a plastering in the old fashioned way with lime plaster. I of course do a lot of just regular brush and roller painting but I love it when a client wants to do some historical of decorative effect such as wood graining or Faux Marbre. or some trompl'oil effect. I also love to work on walls with milk paint and clay and bees wax finishes. I am passionate about getting the work just right and beautiful, A good example in a public space is the interior of Grace Church Van Vorst on 2nd and Erie st. JC it is a recreation of the church as it looked when dedicated in 1853, with some modification.
I am also thrilled to perform in The Life after Shopping Gospel Choir, with Rev. Billy, I have always been serious about singing, so it is wonderful being in a performance group who takes the singing serious as well as our politics which hope to make a difference in how we treat the Earth and each other.

JF- Do you have any quirks or obsessive compulsive things that have to be done a certain way?
DG- There are several ways of doing some plastering or painting projects but in most cases I like to do them in a defined step by step manner, which can make me not the easiest person to work with or for, as I need the other to follow my method. I'm willing to listen to other ways, but do trust what I know works.

JF- What makes you angriest, happiest?
DG- I am angriest at the deep split between the 1% who have most of the wealth not only because I think it unfair but more because they way they are ruining the middle class here and exploiting the workers all over the world. Also how the corporations are gaining so much power in the public space and the individual is being pushed to the side. We are losing freedom a little bit at a time. Also there is very little attention being paid to the huge costs to the Earth of the corporate behavior of just take take with no thought of the consequence. It is catching up to us and we our children and grand children are going to pay dearly, We must CHANGE.
I am happy when singing with friend, talking and telling stories. Going to art and gallery openings, poetry readings.Running with the Radical Faeries here in JC or NYC or somewhere out in the wood.

JF- What would people be surprised to learn about you if they got to know you?
DG- Most likely some of the exploits from my past. Events I was at or people I knew or know. Parties I host privately
every month may be shocking to some.

JF- Tell us a quick lil story or anecdote from your life/childhood that may have helped shape your personality, personal philosophy or direction.
DG- I grew up in and around the Poconos in Pa. so spent a lot of time in the forest both alone and with friends. The forest and the birds and animals and trees and flowers and fish and sky are deeply part of me. Although I knew from an early age after visiting NYC that I was going to live here, my mind and heart will always have their roots in the forest.
JF- Your appearance certainly portrays such, I wouldn't be surprised bumping into you at a party in any big city or standing among the trees deep in the California redwoods. Thanx for playing along and keeping my appetite for the strange and mysterious sated.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Live the life that you love and love the life that you live.

I saw this post by Doze Green today on the facebook. I don't have much to say further on it other then I stand by those words bc over the years I find myself often apologizing, explaining or making excuses for those that don't agree with the choices I make for myself or on behalf of others, in the name of art etc;
Be open but stand your ground. People will judge you whether your actions appeal to them or not. Do your best to know why you do what you do and try not to take other peoples judgments against you to heart, but if a pattern of judgment is following you, perhaps its time to expand your perspective.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Community in Motion

I had the pleasure of experiencing Insurgo Stage Project's "Art in Motion" on Friday night. It was an evening full of art in all its forms, poetry, visual, music, and movement. I went to support fellow Jersey City performance artist Avianna Perez in what I was sure to be a very successful pursuit and was introduced to so many more talented local artists. What struck me most was the need for more projects like this in the area.

When we sat down in 143 Columbus we were given three cards to fill out, they asked us questions and our answers were used later in the performance. The first of two pieces was called 'The Process of Yes.' 3 women clothed in white stood at the back of the stage area while projections of the city were cast over them, this opening was beautiful and strong. The piece then took us through exactly what the title told us: the process of yes.

The second performance was called 'The Stories We're Made Of" and this performance stole the whole evening for me. Maybe it was the fact that they had an accordion, and I do have a soft spot for anything accordion related. Or possibly that when they read out our answers mine was re-imagined in a hilarious way that was more apt than I knew when I initially wrote the words down. All I know is that when the second act started I immediately felt transported to another time and place. All the ladies moved wonderfully and it was refreshing to find such a strong male dancer in Jason Tseng. The poetry of Kathy Stout was phenomenal; she didn't just speak the words, she made you feel every one of them. When this woman speaks, you listen and I know that I will be looking out for her on the poetry scene in the area and you should be as well.

The whole evening was sponsored by Downtown Live and Grassroots Community Space. Chelo Mercado, Aviana Perez and Justin Woo produced the whole evening and I must say I hope they come together to produce another delightful event very soon.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Come to the darkside. Artists & their demons.

A friend recently said that making art helps keep the demons quiet for a lil while. I agree, but I also think that it's all part of their plan. The voices stay quiet and let us do our thing and lye in the wait, they want us to miss them, and we do. It's so much easier to take advantage of something if it's already vulnerable and those demons know exactly how to marinate our sensitive egos with all the right questions, concerns and aggrivating obstacles that make us ripe for the picking.

Whether its the demon summoning up the unquenchable vices or the demon beckoning your ego to be selfish, the demon is there, or should I say demons.
Before I continue on, in this case I'm not using demon terminology literally. This isn't about demons or deitys are fighting for your soul, rather I'm commenting on the voices from all parts of the ego. The voices want what they want. They want to sate their desires and flush their sensations. For me, art does keep those demons quiet, but not for long. Sometimes it's; Hey johnny, long day in the studio why dont you fix yerself a drink. Other times its much more vulgar and relentless. They comfort me, they accept me and most of all they love to reward me. We sing together, we SHOUT together, we fight off those that stand in our way or try to prevent us from being happy. Those inner demons are our demons, they serve us and they sometimes even protect us so it's no wonder we keep em around. Mine have been around for a long time but they got their own room in my head when I turned 16. Ever since then they have been louder and more demanding and believe me know how to get what they want. It's hard to seperate those things you do for you and those that you do for your demons, bc they tax everything and the lines become blurred. I'm happy enough to say I've managed to learn how to sate them and still be friends and foolish enough to believe I'm in control, but hey atleast i havent given them names. That's when the real shitshow begins. I sure hope none of you are out there naming these things,. NAMES HAVE POWER! Trust me.
We all struggle against our voices and I'm sure there are as many of you out there that are better then me at handling it as there are those that are worse. I only hope that you have something that buys you time, like I have art, because without it I'd be the naked drunken wildman cussing and shouting and fighting my way through existence, living like the devil may already have my soul.

heheh I'm just kidding theres no such thing as a devil. Unless you want there to be.

\Happy trails sinners.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fuck Jersey- An Art show, A sentiment a fun thing to say.

A few years back me and the boys & girls from RockSoup headed south for Art Basel which would be our 2nd or 3rd time traveling to Miami to put on a satellite show. Fuck Jersey-were movin. Was the title of our show and with the exception of making any real sales was successful...atleast in attendance. Due to scheduling conflicts we were unable to attend Art Basel or put on an exhibition last year, but we will be resurrecting the Fuck Jersey brand with our new exhibition; Fuck Jersey- The state you love to hate.

Stay tuned for details on this exhibition. Its sure to be a spectacle greater then the spectacles we've made in the past.


Psychology of Sad people and why it's all your fault.

I've always been fascinated with psychology, but the problem with psychology is it studies defiencies more then the positives of the brain and thus alters the word Psychology giving it a colloquially negative connotation. I prefer the more current psychology practice called Positive Psychology which is the study of those whom are able to exist on a higher plain of happiness and success without all the nasty aftertaste. I've always wondered why people focus so much on the things that make them sad rather then that which makes them happy. I do believe it is important to identify the things in ones life that causes them stress or duress, but to spend ones day complaining and blaming seems to be counter productive and a sure fire way to be in the dumps. I've grown accustomed to identifying these types as "Poor Me" personalities. A term that was coined by James Redfield in his coming of age/ new agey book The Celestine Prophecy.
In any case the book outlines the variety of personality types and the Poor Me type is one of two passive/needy personality types that draw energy from others for their own use. The aggressive types are the intimidator/interrogator and the other passive type is the aloof. We've all been guilty of using these strategies to win favor with others, but when it becomes a consistent pattern we identify that person with one of these terms. If you're wondering- "well John then which are you?" I can answer honestly that I've been accused of being all of them but most identify with the Intimidator or Aloof style of energy taking. I read the Celestine Prophecy many years ago at a typical stage when a person realizes they are on some sort of spiritual path and starts eating up all the books people recommend. The book reads easy and pretty plainly, but I did find the descriptions of personality types quite useful. That being said I'd like to talk about the Poor Me type because I've dealt with alot of these types of people along my path.

First off, lets just say that if you realize you are a Poor Me type as you read this, please try your best not to hate me for pointing out some of the issues I have with these people. I actually have big issues with bully types as well. It's not that these people are bad, but rather I'd like to identify some characteristics of this personality so you can fine tune your own Poor Me barometer and perhaps navigate passed the pitfalls I've endured in my own dealings with them.

Poor Me types are perpetually dealing with their pain. This in an of itself isn't horrible but until they stop blaming and start building up their reserves they really are just being self indulgent. As an outsider you'll never be able to please them, or sate their empty well as its their nature to keep their well empty. Do I have issue with people who interrogate or intimidate me out of my energy? Sure, but I rarely meet these types as these types are bully types and bully types usually pick on weaker energies. I have certainly been guilty of this, but I can say since reading the book have been more aware and thus require less from others. Filling your own well of energy is a healthier strategy and is done the same way for all types, that is to fill your own well so you don't need from others you must simply offer your services, guidance and love to others. In doing so your well fills up. Its also important to have a confidence in your energy as well or you are at risk of depleting the very resources you aim to share.
If I'm saying the way to fill your well is to give to others who need why would I care of this Poor Me type is taking from me? Well it's simple; the Poor Me type always needs and can always find an excuse why they cant do for themselves. They also blame those around them for their circumstances and situations. This does more then simply deplete your well. It harms the structure of the well as well. With the Poor Me type they obsess over themselves in a self indulgent manner. It's always about their pain, their progress, their difficulties, but furthermore its the outside affecting them and usually this leads to cascading emotional outbursts that vary from tears to shouting, self righteousness or down right meanness. This is because by focusing all their energy on thoughts of themselves they believe they are solving something when they point the finger at their would be assailant. In their eyes identifying the culprit of their pain is progress and thus they are making headway. I have strong issue with this as I'm sure you can tell by now I've been at the receiving end of quite a few Poor Me types in my life and for verrrrry long stretches of time. I've exhausted myself trying to build up their confidence only to be blamed for destroying it with a single word, or lack thereof. This is how the Poor Me mind set works. They use the good deeds you offer when it suits them, but they hone in on the off color comment or joke in bad taste and decide that one thing will stay with them all day or week. They may use it as a brick in their emotional wheel barrel unbeknownst to you and it doesnt come out of the wheel barrel if you offer your help, a compliment or a good deed. It stays in that wheel barrel until they've ammassed enough bricks to dump out at once in a grand emotional poor me display of pain and anger. Theres no way of knowing which things you've said or done are being collected, because it's also the things you don't say or do that cripple them. So be warned when dealing with a Poor Me, theres never enough good deeds, kind words or valiant acts that can be done to win their favor because if you were the one whom added a brick to their barrel unknowingly became the grand victimizer in their poor me story. So tread lightly or not all. The best you can hope for a Poor Me is that they move on to the next stage passed identifying their victimizers and begin true forgiveness. The kind without anger or accusation. This is the positive side of psychology we hear less about. The kind of psychology that tells a person; Your strong enough to survive this, change the negative patterns now and take accountability for your own happiness. You can't inflict happiness on someone, thats because it comes from inside of us and it's the only way a Poor Me will find peace.
I wish all you Poor Me people peace. Happy Spring.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Shameless Plug

I've been very busy working on a lovely piece of Independent theatre lately put on by Parlour Productions called 'The Family Jewels'. I'm gonna get the plug for the piece outa the way...

Saturday April 2nd at 8 pm and Sunday April 3rd at 7 pm
Located at 32 Jones Street (near Journal Square) Jersey City, NJ 07302
$15 donation, tickets online now!

Its a very elaborately staged reading because JC List (where we advertised) decided to collate all the small theatrical productions in the area that don't have the funding to produce them at large 'legit' venues, and send all of our details to the fire chief. The fire chief then shut us down, as well as a number of other small productions in the area. This leads me to the question: What the fuck JC List? You seriously made a conscience decision to NOT support small local theatre. Isn't that what JC List is about... getting community events out there? Being a message board for people in the area to communicate with each other? Apparently JC List is trying to kiss someone's ass high up there, or they are just complete wankers. Either way I'm not impressed.

Please do come support us, the proceeds go to Hudson Pride Connections Center, The LGBT Alliance of NJCU and the Times Squares Prom Committee.

I'll be there singing and acting away (if you want to see more of me I suggest sitting House left... ie the further side from the entrance)


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Peyote, Starjumpers & Iceskating the spice boxes.

This weekend marked a day I finally got to consume PEYOTE a hallucinogenic substance I've wanted to try ever since I saw the first Young Guns movie, when I was 12 years old. I had just recently turned 35 and when a friend offered to get me in on a Peyote Tepee Ceremony during this years SUPER MOON and I felt like it was the perfect time to do so.
Let me first acknowledge I have tried Ayahuasca once before with some success but did so on my own in my apt with no instruction or sacred ritual in place. A friend was able to procure some and tell me how to prepare the brew with some Syrian rue as the MAO inhibitor. My experience was intense but short. I had locked myself into a tiny meditation room and found myself believing I was communicating with other worldly spirits that warned me that I was not ready despite my enthusiasm to endure the drug, or as the Native Americans endearingly call it ="the medicine" or "Grandmother".
The spirit guide as I will call the voice that I communed with was both benevolent and generous despite being clearly dissatisfied with my arrival into the "spirit world". That's what Emilio Estevez's character calls it in the Young Guns movie. I walked away from my experience with what I considered to be valuable information and insight that I otherwise would not have figured out for myself had I not taken the brew. I was kindly asked to not come back until I was ready and I decided that even though I wasn't sure this was all in my head or not, that I would not take the medicine again unless it was done properly. The fact that I puked or "purged" as its aptly named like a fire breathing dragon also had something to do with it, I'm sure.
The story really begins on Jan 29th when I received a small note from a a friend named Rachel which mentioned that she had taken the medicine recently and had a message for me. The message was for her to give me a wolf ring that she had recently purchased that we both wanted and that the medicine told her that I needed to work on my compassion for others. This would just have been a cute gift had it not been preceded by another friend Cris telling me he had done some energy work on himself and had a similar message for me. Were my friends just cooking up elaborate ways to tell me to be nicer to them or is there any merit to these messages??
Well about 6 weeks after the first message from Rachel comes the 2nd message this time from Grandfather.. Grandfather= Peyote and Grandmother = Ayahausca. Turns out Grandfather requested or suggested my appearance and provided an image of me running up and down the stairs in a focused attempt to manage the tedium of a particular chore. This wouldn't be all that special had I not been told this message on a day where i was literally running up and down the stairs of 660 Grand with a hammer and tools multiple times from the basement to the 3rd floor. I took the 2nd message as a sign. Why not? Maybe this means I'm ready and am welcome back to the spirit world.
Fast forward to the day; We leave shortly before 11am to head out to Allentown PA to participate in a Tepee Ceremony sponsored by a Brooklyn based group that throws these ceremonies.. Much of the day was leisurely getting the area prepared on the farm which we were allowed to perform the ceremony on. This meant people were clearing areas, cooking food, preparing the medicine, building the tepee and getting the fire stoked for the hot sweat lodge stones. At 35 I finally had begun feeling like I was grounded and had my feet firmly planted on the ground and now here I was on some hippie farm base camp about to take hallucinogenics and perhaps find my power animal. Jeez.
We didn't finally enter the tepee until we had all gone through the sweat lodge atleast once, the women proving their strength by going through three times! My experience in the lodge was harrowing. I hate saunas so a sweat lodge is hell. Literally hell for me as I lay on the cold wet earth clenching my hand in the dirt to have a modicum of coolness on my body. I laid on my side in my under ware with a towel over my head like a new born baby wishing for it all to end soon. I chanted when I could I sang along at times but mainly I just tried to dream up happy places while I lay on my side drenched in sweat and barely able to breathe.
The tepee was fairly large but became quickly crowded with the 48 people that paid to endure the ceremony on the night of the super moon. I say "endured" b/c this experience was certainly an endurance test. Even without the sweat lodge prior we all crowded around a fire in this tepee to endure hours on end of sitting on our haunches or cross legged "Indian style" while partaking in our Peyote experience. It was hot near the fire and cold against the back wall of the tent.
The first many hours were spent with formalities and consumption. I personally was expecting to see dragons rise out of the fire and my demons to materialize before me. I wasn't alone in my feelings that there could have been more rounds of medicine over the 12 or so hours we spent in that tent, but all in all my experience was pretty profound. Once I had gotten over the fact that I wasn't going to be hallucinating dragons and snakes monsters from the other side I found myself experiencing the power of the medicine as it had been described to me earlier. I was told as opposed to the strength of Ayahuasca; Peyote has a gentle honesty, straight forward and right to the point. My internal dialog was accompanied by subtle images arising out of the fire and from the sounds of Indian drum music with messages of love, kindness and compassion going on all around us.
One of the most compelling features was in watching Manuel; the playful and sweet medicine man that works with the Brooklyn group, receive his "white feather" one of the highest honors a medicine man receive from an Indian Chief. I think this honor was just as unexpected for Manuel. This moment felt like such a treat for a lay person to get to witness and honestly was worth the $ with or without the Peyote. Once Manuel was honored with the white feather he went right into action. I mean he literally turned around and started blessing the chief with the feather and then those in the tepee. First his helpers like those that cooked the medicine, sang the songs, managed the fire etc; It was so spontaneous and quick that it dawned on me just how humble a medicine man need be and just how great the responsibility is to be a true healer. Never for yourself and always for others. This seemed to be the underlying message of Chief Turtle who educated us on the loneliness of the medicine man and how important it is to give back to those that heal and lead you. This prompted Manuel's fire man to sing an impromptu song to his master while shaking the rattle and being accompanied by a drummer. Many that evening showed their great gratitude for the man that not only blessed them with protection during their passage into the spirit world but also introduced them to Chief Turtle whom traveled from his home out West to educate this band of mixed race white people in the ways of the Navajo.
The Chief was a tall kind man with a character face you'd see in movies. His one eye always squinted, his hair long and braided and his presence strong. His wife had an equally powerful presence and laughed in such a way that it made everything feel like it was going to be alright. When she spoke about the medicine, she cried. She loved the medicine and its role as a teacher. She loved her heritage and that so many people of diverse cultures wanted to learn so much. She loved Manuel's heart and the Chief and herself made mention of this many times over. I honestly have never been present in a place where so much genuine intimacy and accolades were passed back and forth with eye contact, tears and love. Its almost like the Tepee Ceremony experience was about creating an honest intimate environment to ensure while under the power of the medicine we would witness such authenticity, reverence and history so that the profundity would carry with us when we got back to our regular lives.
Ok, so for all the starjumpers out there, yes you hallucinate, but I'm sure you've had heavier trips on your street drugs in highschool. This experience was different. As they say; the medicine is straight forward and you find yourself open to the truth of your own story and what changes need to be made. Images and words were conjured up in my mind or would rise out of the fire that would instigate thoughts and feelings and send me on a ride inward that would last minutes, but feel like hours. I'd come in and out of it while I sitting there wondering if the medicine was even working one minute but then see the shadows on the walls of the tent and wonder if it were the shadow of the drummer making the drummer drum in the first place. The medicine went around only a couple of times in a few forms. I ingested about 10 buttons, a table spoon of some awful tasting Peyote mush and then a tea which was quite nice. All in all the flavor is not pleasant, but I never purged like I did on my solo trip with Ayahuasca. Rachel on the other hand seemed to purge for the whole tent. I did not envy her to say the least. Her purging looked painful and I was happy that atleast I was able to process my thoughts without the interruption of puking in the dirt. I'm sure her experience was more intense then many of ours though.

The medicine stayed with me all day and having not slept made the whole 2 day experience feel like one long trip into another time space. Even now as I write I'm still wrestling some of the ideas that popped up in my head, some of the things I witnessed in the tent or the things the Chief and Manuel had said that day, either about the medicine or life in general. It was something I'd like to do again, but would not recommend to those who haven't wrestled their inner demons before. This isn't a fun ice skating ride through kaleidoscope land, it's a harrowing ordeal that will leave you speechless, educated and aware of both your strengths and your weaknesses and accept them in totality. Perhaps when I've breached the first level of change I will have more to say on this subject...for now, I will just say; WOW that tepee ceremony was the real deal and Peyote is not as spooky as Ayahausca.
(but be careful nonetheless)
